• Gin Basil Smash

    12 Fresh Basil leaves
    60ml White Cliffs Gin
    25ml Lemon Juice
    10ml Sugar Syrup
    Serve over ice
    Garnish with a sprig of basil
  • Bee's Knees

    50ml White Cliffs Gin
    20ml Lemon Juice
    12.5ml Honey Syrup
    10ml Fresh Orange Juice
    Shake with ice
    Serve with twist of orange peel
  • White Cliffs G & T

    50ml White Cliffs Gin
    120ml Elderflower Tonic
    Serve over ice
    Garnish with rosemary
  • White Cliffs Negroni

    40ml White Cliffs Gin
    30ml Rosso Vermouth
    25ml Campari (or alternative)
    Serve over ice cube
    Garnish with orange twist
  • Gin Mojito (South Side Rickey)

    60ml White Cliffs Gin
    30ml Lime Juice
    25ml Sugar Syrup
    5 Mint Leaves
    40ml Soda Water
    Serve over ice
    Garnish with mint leaves and slice of lime
  • Evesper Martini

    40ml White Cliffs Gin
    30ml Eve Vodka
    15ml Dry Vermouth
    5ml Elderflower Cordial
    Dash of Orange Bitters 
    Shake with ice
    Serve with orange twist
  • Amaretto Espresso Martini

    50ml Eve Vodka
    25ml freshly brewed espresso
    25ml Amaretto
    5ml Honey (adjust to taste)
    Shake with ice
    Coffee beans to garnish
  • Amaretto Sour

    60ml Amaretto
    30ml Lemon Juice
    2 dashes Angosura Bitters
    15ml Egg white (or other foamer)
    Shake with ice
    Serve with Maraschino Cherries
  • Godfather

    60ml Scotch whisky
    20ml Amaretto
    Serve over ice 
    Garnish with lemon twist
  • Amaretto Spritz

    75ml Prosecco
    50ml Amaretto
    25ml Lemon Juice
    25ml Soda Water
    Serve over ice
    Lemon slice to garnish
  • Amaretto Piña Colada

    40ml Amaretto Liqueur
    40ml Aged Light Rum
    60ml Coconut Milk
    60ml Pineapple Juice
    Blend with crushed ice
    Garnish with pineapple slice 
  • Eve Cosmo

    40ml Eve Vodka
    20ml Cointreau
    25ml Apple Juice
    20ml Lime Juice
    5ml Sugar Syrup
    Shake with ice
    Serve with dried apple slice
  • Eve & Elderflower

    50ml Eve Vodka
    100ml Elderflower Tonic
    Serve over ice
    Garnish with lemon wedge 
  • Floradora

    40ml Eve Vodka
    15ml Raspberry Liqueur
    20ml Lime Juice
    5ml Sugar Syrup
    4 fresh raspberries
    Top with ginger ale
    Serve over ice
    Garnish with fresh raspberry and lime slice
  • Evesper Martini

    40ml White Cliffs Gin
    30ml Eve Vodka
    15ml Dry Vermouth
    5ml Elderflower Cordial
    Dash of Orange Bitters 
    Shake with ice
    Serve with orange twist
  • English 75

    25ml Eve Vodka
    20ml Lemon Juice
    15ml Sugar Syrup
    Dash of Absinthe
    English sparking wine top
    Serve with lemon twist
  • Pleasant Spritz

    25ml Eve Vodka
    100ml Medium Cider
    25ml Apple Juice
    25ml Soda Water
    2 dashes of Angostura Bitters
    Serve over ice
    Garnish with lemon wedge and fresh apple slice
  • Apple & Eve

    50ml Eve Vodka
    100ml Appletiser
    Serve over ice
    Garnish with dried apple slice
  • Kentish Mule

    50ml Eve Vodka
    100ml Ginger Ale
    2 dashes of Angostura Bitters
    Serve over ice
    Lime wedge to garnish

Email: hello@pleasantlanddistillery.com

Phone: +44 (0) 7895458604

TN25 7DF, Kent
England, UK